Motivation Monday

What is the key to defeating the disappointments of the day? The answer is making a decision to be victorious at the moment they show up.

Last week, I had some of the most painfully excruciating days I've had in many years. I didn’t see the storm coming nor was the timing ideal, but when it rolled in, I didn't run for shelter. I stood fast knowing there must be a gift on the otherside lest God would've held back the thunder and lightening in the first place.

When the water was rising fast I knew I wouldn't drown. Even though molten boulders of hail were raining down, I knew I wouldn't be burned. The cuts were deep and I was hemorrhaging, but there remained enough life blood to stay on my feet.

As I laced up my boots, turned up my collar and stood face strong into the wind, I had to break my brokenness in order to heal my wholeness. Who I am, who I thought I was and who I was created to be met in the eye, sorted themselves out and emerged united as one.

Today it's sunny, the wounds are yet fresh and the lessons are permanent. I wrote this as a reminder on #motivationmonday that hard times will never be stronger than our resilience. Enduring pain has a time-frame but growth on the otherside doesn't expire. Never embrace a victim mentality. Instead, remember you're beautifully and wonderfully made and the desires of your heart will manifest if you align yourself to receive them.

#liveyourtruth #nevergiveup #bevulnerable #beauthentic