Life is Full of Irony

How does a child know the love of a father if he's never around to show it? When we buried my father in 2002 at the age of 55, I was haunted by the fact that he died a broken man. His demons were from his childhood and they followed him all of his days. He was absent the majority of my youth and instead of shielding me from his challenges, some of his demons jumped onto me. During my 20's they showed up and convinced me I wasn't worthy of greatness. They assigned to me issues like low self esteem, the inability to trust myself and fear of abandonment. I did put in the work to slay these demons which I've long since done but I'm saddened at times that I can't reach back and help my father overcome his. This is why I write, because men can heal and be restored to our God given potential and it starts with our ability to be vulnerable and be ok with not being perfect.

Life is full of irony though. I learned the answer to my opening question after his death. While I was cleaning his self storage in San Diego, I came across a dusty unmarked box. In it was every letter, birthday card, father's day card we'd ever mailed him in life. I was shocked and overwhelmed at the fact that he kept them all and I also found the little school pictures we sent every year. Even though he never showed it, I definitively learned his love ran deep for his children. His inability to be vulnerable created a perception that he didn't care, but care he did. He was afraid to display love because he didn't feel worthy to receive love back. Men if you're reading this, one of the keys to freedom is taking off the mask of our ego which is driven by our false self and dealing with the issues buried in the heart of our true selves. A good place to begin this journey is by reading Toure Roberts book, "Wholeness".

Ladies if your husband, brother, boyfriend, child's father is not living up to his potential forgive him and you read the book and we'll figure out a way to breakthrough. Please share this message far and wide so we can reclaim our wounded or hurt or lost men. #liveyourtruth #beauthentic #bevulnerable #nevereverquit

Tiana Vallan