Reflections on 50!

50 in 4 days. Day two of reflections. The fatherless father. One of the toughest aspects of parenting is role modeling the behavior I want them to learn instead of just telling them what to do.

Being patient and allowing their personalities to be nurtured while maintaining discipline is like walking a tight rope. Treating them individually and trying to maintain the same standards is an art and requires me to learn as they do.

There are days it's just down right tough and there are many more times in which I can't imagine missing the gift of watching them grow. As I pour into them, giving them parts of me I didn't even know I had, I grow too.

Us Black fathers are present and engaged, they just don't tell our story. I co- parent 50% of every week, on top of running several enterprises and trying to find non existent time to write and exercise. The children get the best of me and I'd not have it any other way.

I'm a firm believer of "train up a child....." and nothing speaks more powerfully to them than witnessing my walk of faith, patience and rigor. Their life should be easier and their opportunities more abound, but they also need to know what work ethic and perseverance means so that they can surpass me.

I've been blessed with two amazing souls to usher and I know their mother is locked into helping them be the best they can be. There's no rulebook to this, but there is a covering. They are my first ministry and anybody who knows me well understands that if it's a choice between attending one of their games or skipping an important meeting, work loses everytime.

#bevulnerable #beauthentic #liveyourtruth #nevergiveup #inspiration #motivation

Tiana Vallan